Wednesday, 21 September 2016

back with video

I know I've been away from here for a very long time. The technology is why, even though I am not much of a tech savvy. I am not the person to jump at anything new that comes along. So I started with instagram pretty late, partly also because they took some time to come to android and I don't have an iphone. But since I decided to finally start using instagram, I got addicted. It is such an easy way to keep a daily dose of inspiration handy. It also motivated me to practice my lettering and calligraphy more regularly as the response I was getting on my posts was exciting. So not only have I been spending a lot of time trying out new writing styles and practicing my good old hand, I have also learnt how to shoot and edit videos of the process. I have been enjoying doing this thoroughly. Here are a few samples of what I have been doing these past several months. You can also go over to instagram and check out more such activity @pragyagoenka I'll be posting more videos in the coming few weeks.