Sunday 19 February 2012

being with brahmaputra

I have been travelling these last two weeks. I didn't see as much as I wanted to, but then who needs      
satisfaction when curiosity and desire lead you to better. Although I stayed in three contrasting cities, I will write about just one destination that gave me immense sense of peace. The Brahmaputra, in Guwahati.

India and Indians are known for their sacred belief in the river Ganga, and you do feel spiritual when you stand on the ghats of Haridwar and watch the saffron flames soaring against the strong winds, during the prayers at the dusk. But few people are heard talking about the mighty Brahmaputra. Brahmaputra is a 'nad', a male river, (unlike most Indian rivers which are feminine, 'nadi') and is loved, respected and feared by the people who inhabit its banks, just like a father in a family is.

The river flows through three countries and several centuries, and in its vast expanse, one can sense the maturity and experience it brings along. Its ripples make me think of the lines on a forehead of a knowing elder, even an ancestor. But the paradox lies here, as I find myself so attached to this river, it makes me realise how insignificant and small a part I play in the universe. How tiny I appeared standing on the banks of Brahmaputra; it is no wonder, this river can so easily fill one with such joy and peace; it is not just a river after all, it is a son of the almighty.

The pictures I share with you do not do justice to the majesty of the Brahmaputra and the life on its banks. But then, I am not a photographer, excuse me for that ;) I hope my words, however, give you some insight into what I experienced as I breathed the air that floated over this magnificent water body.

1 comment:

  1. Dt is Amazing u got so pure thoughts... even I like exploring new places and think in very similar way connecting things with Surroundings...
